Homemade Yogurt

16 August 2014 - Homemade Yogurt with honey topping
The yogurt is made using a multicooker that my sister left ^^ Very satisfied with the result \(^0^)/

The recipe is based on David Lebovitz's 

Made adjustments according to Harold McGee:
1. The Milk: use a high protein milk or add dry milk powder.
2. Heating milk: for 30 minutes on 85ºC  or 10 minutes on 90ºC  to denature the whey protein so it could bond in a fine matrix of chains.
3. The Fermentation: influence yogurt consistency. On 40-45ºC it's grow rapidly for 2-3 hours. The yogurt is firm but leaks whey. On 30ºC it's grow slowly, up to 18hrs. The yogurt is weak but retain whey.


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